Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Laptops Update

All of the software has been installed. We are currently doing inventory and getting the laptops ready to check out. Our plan is to allow all of the students to use them in the classroom only for a couple of weeks to get use to them. I will also let everyone know when our Parent and Student Meeting will be.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Laptops are almost ready!!!

I talked to Shelby today and the current plan is to have the laptops ready by Friday, August 27. If this changes I will let you know.

Thank You!!!

I want to thank Shelby Jones and his staff for working to get everything ready for our new laptop program. I know getting this many laptops ready is very time consuming. You do a great job!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Welcome to the new Anadarko Middle School One to One Laptop Program Blog. Please check back often for updates.

If you have any questions about this program please call the Anadarko Middle School.